
Driving performance through Consultation

Jay Mehta equips you with the knowledge to help you outperform your competitors in the market

Detailed consultations.
Better Results

For your business to thrive online, you require a smart SEO and paid marketing strategy along with a modern website design to stay on top of the search engine results and ahead of your competitors. We pave the way through actionable consulting that helps you achieve your business goals in the digital world.

SEO Consulting

01 SEO Consulting

About 25 years ago, no one knew what SEO was! Nowadays, the success of your brand’s online identity relies on a well-planned search engine optimization strategy. Jay Mehta is a highly skilled digital marketing and branding expert. He and his team have designed a consulting program to help you understand how SEO can give you the upper edge in achieving your business goals and bringing your brand to the limelight.

Paid Marketing Consultation

02 Paid Marketing Consulting

Enter Jay Mehta and his team! Through consulting, we run a proper diagnosis of your campaign, make recommendations, and ensure those are implemented. We take you through the process, so you can take charge and set the campaign right by yourself in the future.

Website Design Consultation

03 Website Design Consulting

If you do not have a positive answer to the questions above, it is time to consult Jay Mehta and his team of website experts. A modern website design is indispensable for increasing the number of users and decreasing the bounce rate. Poor design, content, and bad layout will usher your visitors out of the website.

People also ask the following questions about Consulting Service

What does a marketing consultant do?
A marketing consultant helps restore focus in your business and build effective strategies. Brings a pair of fresh eyes and new ideas to the table. They are equipped with the latest industry knowledge and tools, and they steer your business growth.
Why should I invest in digital marketing consulting services?

If you strive for growth, you need to look at your business from a different perspective, and if you are stuck, it is always beneficial to hire a consultant for a fresh perspective.

A digital marketing consultant will help you discover the shortcomings in your campaigns and loopholes in your strategies. They are practical and offer actionable insights that help you achieve your goals.

What resources will I need to invest in my digital marketing strategy?

Resources here can be divided into two categories. The first dictates –

  • Time,
  • Money,
  • Expertise 
  • Will power

and the other being the tools,

such as –

  • Google Ads Blog
  • Hubspot, etc